Spiritual and Personal Mentoring

My sacred name in the Anicinabe language is Shku-damp’seh — Dancing Fire — “Keeper of the Fire for Dancing”. I am a spiritual teacher, guide, and mentor.
My intention for you:
Can you say “Yes!” to these experiences?
- You have had a spiritual experience of something beautiful and powerful and seek a framework that helps you to understand it and maintain contact with it.
- You have felt alone and yearn for people who will understand.
- You feel curiosity and openness. You may have experience with spirituality or energy work such as Reiki, various forms of meditation, healing touch, EFT, or other modalities, and you have a strong sense that there is much more to know.
- You want a personal connection with both the natural world and the realms of spirit and consciousness beyond physical existence.
- You want to develop your spiritual capabilities and strength to be of service to all.
What I Offer
My teaching and mentoring bring two distinct paths together. On the one hand is nature-based shamanism, grounded in earth-based physical skills and working with spiritual beings and power. On the other is a path that reaches outward into the universe to seek understanding and larger consciousness through both ancient mysticism and recent understandings of modern science, and direct experience of realms far beyond the physical. At the highest levels, these two paths converge.
In this process I emulate ancient elders who would guide willing students according to the gifts and potential of each learner. while mysticism.
We will meet online or in person, usually from once a week to once a month. I will not be spoonfeeding you. I will respond to your questions and ideas, and offer you questions as well as work and suggestions for study to do on your own. I will do my best to respond to your curiosity and guide your gifts and passion as you grow. And I will offer you the best of what wisdom I have gained.
The fee is $120 CAD per hour. That’s contact time; I will let you know if any other charges become necessary.
What Students Say
“This past year, I have been cherishing many of the teachings that you have shared with me over the last decade. I have become reacquainted with my medicine area and have had some very meaningful and healing experiences there. Years ago, some of the experiences in your classes helped quell some long-held fears I had around dying and, recently, I have been able to comfort my children when they have brought up their own worries about death, by telling them about these experiences. This has been profound for me as I remember lying awake nightly as a child and worrying about these things, and now I feel I can support my children to go to bed feeling at peace.
“I am so grateful that you shared these teachings with me. I’m glad that you are continuing to share.”
– Emma H.
“I especially like this statement in the course announcement: ‘Bring the power and beauty of your spiritual path into every day and every action.’ This is so important. I feel deep gratitude as I read your words, gratitude for the ever-expanding awareness that you bring to your journey, and that you offer to others, and for the gifts I’ve received from you that continue to reveal themselves. I hope there are many who choose to join you for this program.”
– Laura McDonnell
“Wes Gietz appeared in my life about 15 years ago, when I was needing some serious spiritual guidance. The Windwalker ‘Awareness and Spirit courses were just the ticket I needed to understand some unanswered questions that were popping up in my life. A strong connection between nature and spirit were made for me through the meditations and class exercises offered, and I began a lifelong path of healing and positive reconstruction.
“I am now a graduated student of the Awareness and Spirit courses. Making my way through them a second time, I am finding even deeper layers of understanding, and I love that I am able to easily integrate what I learn into daily life. These courses have created levels of awareness for me that I could not have reached otherwise, and they have given, and continue to give, my life more meaning and clearer purpose. I am so grateful for these deep and insightful teachings!
Thank you, Wes.”
– Maureen
“I’ve had the opportunity to join Wes in several Awareness & Power courses, and always had incredibly profound experiences. These experiences, combined with his powerful presence and knowledge of ceremony, brought me to his leadership for a four-day Vision Quest. Wes guided us with his deep resonant voice through stories and ceremony, and strongly held the space as surrogate tribal leader when we were sent away and received back. I would recommend any course or ceremony with Wes to those ready for movement in their lives.”
– Stephen Olson
“Wes, thanks for your careful listening and finding ways to guide me to my own reflection; I have a better grasp of who I am and how I may navigate my way through wide open seas. I have an appreciation of where I come from and a more clear idea of where I am bringing myself and my business and all that is dear to me. ” – J. S.
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