You plan your next life - some details, some big stuff. And a lot more. Someone suggested to me years ago that I chose my parents. When I heard that, an f-bomb went off in my head. Fortunately, it stayed there. Even with that reaction - or perhaps prompted by it - I felt undeniable truth in that statement. But if I really did make a choice … Read More
A significant past life you should visit
Finding the learning and releasing today’s baggage in long-ago lifetimes. Skeptical? I was too, back when I knew everything. These days, my horizons are expanding far faster than I can take in what’s there to see. I invite you to suspend your disbelief long enough to take in these stories. At some point you may find that though you still … Read More
A Brief Remembering
One day my troubled soul took flight from this abode of time and space to where I stood in Council, known by them from uncounted lifetimes past. From human physicality they lifted me to celestial vaults infinitely echoing the light and sounds of love. I hovered there beyond all human sight; infinitesimal spark, yet valued so! The eldest’s voice: ”Beloved one, … Read More
Conversation with a magnolia tree
I’m in a light meditation, reaching out for other consciousnesses. There’s a magnolia tree outside the window. It’s the nearest large consciousness. I wonder how it feels about me pruning it. I feel a physical sensation at the top of my skull, which is… If it were stronger I’d call it pain. A tightness which causes me to focus my … Read More
Two Paths — Diverging and Converging
Part 2 of 2: the fork to the path of Mysticism (Please note: this introduction is very similar to the one in my post of two weeks ago on the Shamanic path) Imagine yourself standing at a fork in the road of life. Ahead are the beginnings of two spiritual pathways that lead up a mountain, to a top not … Read More
A Sprinkling of Poems
Poems have been sprinkled everywhere. Some catch the sun in drops of rain, or bits of glass or tin. Some on the ground make shapes or tracks; I bend my head to read the tale they tell. Others, hues and shades that fill my eyes. Often they move, and I must dance with them. Grand verses compass sky and earth … Read More
Full Circle: Brightness to the Dark Night and back – a spiritual journey
I came to my path not through academic study, but through my own reading, listening and above all, personal experience. I am deeply grateful for the contributions of others, those on whose shoulders I stand, that enable me to have an appreciation for the importance, validity, and context of what I’ve seen. If I am to make a contribution it … Read More
The Worst Moment of Your Life
You can’t remember it because it happens before you’re even born, and it echoes through the rest of your life Photo by Evelyn Semenyuk on Unsplash Conception, gestation, and birth; you’ve been there, or you wouldn’t be reading this. You wouldn’t exist. Every human goes through these events, but our experience of them is uniquely our own. The most terrifying moment of life … Read More
Healing Prenatal Trauma, Part 3: The Environment of the Womb
Conception, gestation, and birth; you’ve been there, or you wouldn’t be reading this. You wouldn’t exist. Every human goes through these events, but how we experience them is uniquely our own. This series of articles is about my experience. If you read it and resonate with it, or if you find it affecting you deeply, I invite you to understand … Read More